Thursday, April 18, 2013

It Is All Your Perception - Change Your Mind, Change Your World

Many years ago, a large American shoe company sent two sales representatives out to different parts of the Australian outback to see if they could drum up some business among the Aborigines.

Some time later, the company received telegrams from both agents.

The first said, "No business here . . . natives don't wear shoes."

The second one said, "Great opportunity here . . . natives don't wear shoes!"

This story illustrates how it is all perception.

Given the exact same "fact", the two salesmen had totally different perceptions, opinions and thus reactions.

This is exactly what happens with us all the time.

We take what is the fact of the matter and then we determine our opinion of it.

Nothing really has a meaning to us until we give it one. 

Then we live our lives based on the meaning that WE gave it!

Therefore, why not give things the best meaning that we can?

Change your perception, change your life.

We all know these type of stories and quotes and they ring true to us when we read or hear them, but how can it really have a measurable positive impact on our life.

One simple step you can do is to write down everyday perceptions you have about yourself, your situation or anything.

Now write down how you can think differently about them and actively think of it differently, better, more in alignment with what you want.

For example:  I often have people who want more money tell me that they can't make more money in what they are doing.  If that is you, write that down and then write down how you could have more money.  


I could get a bonus.  I could get more clients.  I could get a refund from something I don't know about.  Some one could just give me money.  I could find some money.  I might win some money.  I could do some fun task for someone and earn some extra money.  I could sell something I don't use any longer for some money.

Do this consistently every day for a month.

I think once you do this, you will see a positive change.

See what happens and come back and let me know. 

Kathy Hadley

If you want more help on how to have a great life, sign up for my free daily email coaching at

If you want some more immediate help, get my Simple Law of Attraction Kit that comes with a short e-book and audio.  I also highly recommend the Advanced Class as it contains some of the key things I use with my coaching clients.


  1. The power of positive thinking. Gotta love it! Nothing is impossible until you make it so. :)

    1. Isi,

      So very true. :-)


  2. Kathy I love your suggestion on how to change our thoughts with coming up with alternatives. It's so easy to get stuck with our way of thinking and not think outside the box!

    1. Tamsin,

      Thank you. It is amazing how just little shifts can end up having great impacts.



  3. "Change your perception, change your life" isn't that the truth.
    It's right there with the glass is half empty or half full. I'm the half full trying to get it fuller type person.
    Love your post- had to read it out loud to my team! Thanks.

    1. Denys,

      Wow! I'm very grateful you shared this out loud with your team.



  4. Very nicely put, Kathy!

    Lol, I share the same story too lol, except my one is about Africa lol

    1. Ain't it funny how these stories shift locales? LOL

    2. Hemal,

      I find it amazing when several people are on the same "theme" without anyone knowing it ahead of time. Must be a vibration. :-)



    3. Robert,

      Yes, it is like the 100th monkey experiment. You get to an energetic "tipping point" and it crosses space and time.


