Friday, April 26, 2013

DECLARE This Day For Yourself - Today Can Be YOUR Day!

Join in and DECLARE this today for yourself.

Today can be YOUR day!

Focus your thoughts like a laser beam toward what you want and do not allow any contrary thoughts to enter in.

Stay in the "feeling place" of already having what you are wanting and all Universal Forces will align to match that vibration and bring it to you.

Every so often I have a LOVE FEST day or a Creation Day or a Day like today.

It is the ENERGY that I feel in the world and want people to tap into it.

I usually announce them on my FACEBOOK page so make sure to LIKE the page here:

Of course, you can do this at any moment of time for yourself.  I've just found that when the ENERGY is high Universally, it makes it easier.

Kathy Hadley
If you want more help on how to have a great life, sign up for my free daily email coaching at

If you want some more immediate help, get my Simple Law of Attraction Kit that comes with a short e-book and audio.  I also highly recommend the Advanced Class as it contains some of the key things I use with my coaching clients.


  1. Timely message for me. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Donna,

      I'm so glad it was timely for you. I love it when that happens.


  2. Awesome! Thank you. I can hardly wait to see what you do next.

    1. Thank you, Dina. I appreciate the kind words and encouragement.



  3. Definitely like the idea of having a "ME" day - can really use one about now :-)

    Thanks for your inspiring work, Kathy. Glad I've gotten to know more about you via the UBC!
