Monday, April 29, 2013

You've Heard You Are Like The Five People You Are Most With - If You Are Not Where You Want To Be - It Is About Time To Change Them

You are the average of the five people who take up the most of your daily attention.

Either in person, reading their books, watching their videos, listening to their audios, etc.

If you want to have a better life, then make a list of all the traits and things you want to be, do and have and then compare that lists to what those 5 people are, do and have.

If they do not match, then find people who do match and spend more time giving attention to them.

That seems so very simple but people just don't get it.

Here are some examples:

If you are in a relationship that you want to grow and nurture, it is not a good idea to spend a lot of your time and attention on people who have bad relationships or are constantly complaining about their relationships.

If you want more money, you don't want to spend time with people who have a poverty consciousness or are always having money troubles.

If you want good health, you don't want to be in groups that are constantly talking about their unwanted condition.

If you are single and want to be married, hang out with happy married people or read books about them. 

If you are happy with your job (or want to be) don't spend time with people who constantly complain about theirs.

You want to deliberately put your dominant attention on that which you are wanting.

But here is the rub.

The reason those other people are in your life is because by the Law of Attraction!

YOU attracted them because they currently MATCH your dominant vibration.

Most likely, you did it like most people, unknowingly and by default, so don't beat yourself up about it.

Just notice where you are and start to make a change.

As you first start shifting this attention, it will feel a bit uncomfortable.

This is when it is important to use some of the other tools I have written about in this blog and in my daily email coaching.

Then, as you shift your attention and thus your vibration, allow those others to fade harmoniously away or they might see your positive new life and decide to come along for the ride.  

However, don't try to change them or make them come along.

You can only work on yourself and allow all others to do the same if you really want to attract the life of your dreams.

Kathy Hadley

If you want more help on how to have a great life, sign up for my free daily email coaching at

If you want some more immediate help, get my Simple Law of Attraction Kit that comes with a short e-book and audio.  I also highly recommend the Advanced Class as it contains some of the key things I use with my coaching clients.


  1. I think this is a difficult concept for most people. It's hard to accept that the things we don't want in our life are a direct result of our actions and thoughts. But when we accept this idea, then we accept the idea that we have the power to change our circumstances.

    Now that's a good feeling!

    1. This can be difficult or it can be very easy, especially if you do it gradiently and see the results and then think, WOW! This really works.

      The fact is, for things to change for the better for you, THINGS WILL HAVE TO CHANGE!



  2. Change your environment, change your life is true in all cases.

    1. Yes, it is. Also, change your thinking, too.

      Because both of those changes can increase your dominant vibration which is what is attracting EVERYTHING to you.



  3. Love this, Kathy. As someone who's spent most of this month writing about shifting my attention (though not on this specific subject), this is right up my street! And like all change, it first begins in the mind. Love it! Thanks for sharing today.

    1. Susan,

      Great! Glad it was in alignment with you and that you attracted it.



  4. Guess it's time to change my people. There are so many things I want to do that I haven't yet. Oy!

    1. Ashley,

      OK, now that you have decided to do that, do so on a gradient. The faster you do it, the more uncomfortable it will be so I suggest you first add in some people who more align with what you are wanting and then just allow those who do not match this to harmoniously fade away.

      Also, don't tell anyone. Just do it.

      Universal Laws will take care of the rest.



  5. Very intriguing concept. What do I do when the 5 people I spend the most time with are my husband and 4 kids? lol No, really, it's important to be intentional about who we allow to influence our lives.

    1. Ha! LOL

      I was wondering when someone would mention this. :-)

      Other than family members, I bet there are other people, concepts, activities that take up your the UBC for example. :-)

      And it is important to see who is influencing us.

      However, most people, even people who THINK they know this, DON'T really know this.

      Most of my clients actually have read a lot about the Universal Laws and especially the Law of Attraction and have seen The Secret and have a lot of "head knowledge" about all of this. They can "regurgitate" almost all the main concepts.

      However, they STILL don't have the life they want.


      Because they are unaware of what is influencing their own life and like everyone else, are still living by default.

      I help people turn this around and rather quickly, too.

      I with very little uncomfortable time.



  6. Love Jim Rohn and this is one of my favorite quotes. Yet your post did give me a different perspective about it. I'd considered it in terms of face-to-face relationships, and yet I spend a heck of a lot of time online.
    For example, one particular online group has been bitching for months and while the complaints are valid and I like most of these people, hearing that story rehashed over and over has been draining my energy. Also it reminds me to clean up the facebook feed more often, close the door on those who post negative and snarky crap all the time, no room for that.

    1. Carolan,

      Yes, that is exactly how much people take that quote, but really, it is all about where you put your dominant vibration.

      What you say about what you read online is very important.

      I've seen it time and time again....I could tell a million stories about it.

      When you get your attention off the unwanted, you make room for the wanted.

      I "unfriended" a lot of people on facebook before Easter as it is always a time of new Life, Spring, beginning Anew, etc.

      Then, when I to back in my routine after Easter, many amazing opportunities just showed up.

      Coincidence? I don't think so.

      I've seen it too many times with myself and many clients to think it was anything else other than just how the Universe really works.

      Direct your attention. Direct your life.



  7. WOOHOO! I posted the above post and then Jim Rohn, himself, posted this in addition on facebook today!!!! "You must constantly ask yourself these questions: Who am I around? What are they doing to me? What have they got me reading? What have they got me saying? Where do they have me going? What do they have me thinking? And most important, what do they have me becoming? Then ask yourself the big question: Is that okay?" -- Jim Rohn

  8. I love how you and Jim had the wild synchronicity moment that fits SO PERFECTLY with what you shared today. Genius is... as the saying goes.

    Always glad to read your wisdom... I'm with you, the UBC brings such wonderfulness, doesn't it?

    1. Julie, I love that synchronicity, too!

      Today has really been amazing for me.



      I love UBC!!!

  9. Kathy,
    I am one of those people--I spend most of my time surrounded by my children and my husband! But you're right, online relationships can be influential, too. Great post!

    1. Thank you Amy.

      The key is to make sure that over 50-60% of the time is in a vibrationally state in alignment with feeling good and "as if" you have all that you want.

      That is what attracts what you want to you.



  10. Keep up the great work, Kathy :)
